
Hospitality Team - Connect Desk

At the HHC Connect Desk, it is important that you know what this position is responsible for, it is not only for the new faces that come to HHC, but it is also where existing members of HHC come to get more information about things happening at Hearts Harvest.

You should arrive at least 30 minutes prior to service starting (most Sunday's that arrival time would be about 9:30).

You should make sure that you have Connect cards out and ready, and that each one has a pen with it. You should then familiarize yourself with what is happening at Hearts Harvest, so you are able to assist new and existing members with those details, or any questions that they may have.

Next, when members start arriving you need to take note when new members arrive. Make sure that first time guests completes the Connect card. Once the card is completed, let them know they can keep the pen, and give them their first time visitors gift. All completed Connect cards will be given to Pastor Ryan.

Second and third time visitors need to be greeted and given their appropriate gifts as well.

You will stay at the Connect desk about 10 minutes after service has started and return to the Connect desk immediately after service and remain for another 10-15 minutes after service. That will ensure that you are able to answer any questions that attendees might have about announcements or upcoming events.

Remember, serving as a volunteer for Hearts Harvest is not something that you have to do, it is something that you get to do. You GET to serve God in the capacity as a volunteer for Hearts Harvest. So, keep smiling and serving God, while helping others.